четверг, 17 марта 2011 г.
Menthol cigs don't pose greater risk
The tobacco industry argues in a report to the Food and Drug Administration that menthol cigarettes aren't riskier than regular cigarettes.
The industry is trying to defend a lucrative business as the agency weighs whether to ban the minty flavoring.
According to a summary obtained by The Associated Press, the industry says it believes there's no scientific basis to regulate the menthol any differently. It concludes that menthol cigarettes don't make it easier for people to start, harder for them to quit or raise their risk of disease.
An FDA advisory panel meets Thursday and Friday to discuss its own report on the impact of menthol.
Draft chapters of the panel's report show while menthol cigarettes may not be more risky, use is high among minorities, teenagers and low-income people.
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