понедельник, 29 августа 2011 г.

Fire inspectors believe Kauai brushfire started by cigarette

throw cigarettes

Kauai fire inspectors believe last week’s fire in Kōloa, which originated near Ala Kinoiki and spread to the residential area along Kipuka Street, was most likely started by a Kent cigarette.
The fire destroyed at least two homes, damaged several others and caused the evacuation of nearly 100 residents.

“While there is no reason to believe this fire was intentionally set, we continue to urge the public to never throw cigarettes on the ground or out of a car window,” says Fire Prevention Captain Daryl Date. “And be sure that cigarettes are completely extinguished before disposing.”

“Our agricultural landscape here on Kaua'i can become highly susceptible to wildfires, especially during these dry, hot months,” adds Captain Date.

The fire had burned through roughly 50 acres of brush before it was extinguished, roughly three hours after it began.

Fire inspectors estimate the fire caused upwards of $950,000 in damages.

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