четверг, 18 октября 2012 г.

Tobacco ordinance will go to committee

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ALTUS Altus City Council members unanimously voted to send a proposed tobacco-free ordinance and employee policy to the city's Policy Committee for review and revisions during a business meeting Tuesday. The proposal was sent to the committee after a motion to table action was defeated by a 4-3 vote. It called for amending the city's personnel and policies procedures manual and an amended ordinance to Altus Code 1980 to delete smoking rooms from city buildings to make all city buildings (both owned and leased) and grounds (parking lots and sidewalks of city facilities) and city vehicles and equipment tobacco-free.

This proposal was to be considered as part of the city's application to become a "Merit" Oklahoma Certified Healthy Communities City and to apply for grants totaling $42,000 as part of the process for which funds would be used for development of walking trails and other projects to promote healthy living. Matt Coppock, the city's human resources director, said the city has much to gain from adopting a tobacco-free policy for its facilities. "We need to provide employees an incentive to quit smoking," he said. "It will help (cut) our health insurance costs."

City council member R. Scot Simco raised concerns about the city adopting a tobacco-free policy. ""I understand what this is for, but it could be an infringement of personal rights," he said. "What do we do about our employees who smoke? Send them out to the street where they may be in danger?" Simco also raised a concern about what such a policy would mean for local police officers as far as enforcement is concerned, in light of the fact that officers are busy enough dealing with crime and enforcing laws already on the books. "I already see smoking in the city parks anyway," he said.

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